Fix PA


  • KDKA TV reporter on politics and business: Bio
  • Once ran for office and worked on The Hill
  • Mt. Lebo resident and attorney

Issues Promoted by Jon Delano include:[]

Source: May 17, 2006's PSF email:

A reform agenda should include, in my view,[]

(a) a constitutional convention to restructure state government, including cutting the size of the House (from 203 to 120) and the Senate (from 50 to 30);

(b) a "sunlight" provision that prevents sneaky middle-of-the night legislative action without full notice to the public;

(c) a tough lobbyist law that limits perks to legislators and requires full disclosure on the internet of lobbyist activities;

(d) limits on campaign contributions to end to the unlimited pay-or-play practices wherein special interest groups and wealthy individuals can make unlimited political contributions to legislators.

That's a start -- you probably have more!


