Fix PA

Us vs. Them[]

Issues and struggles most often feature an unpopular minority at battle with another ruling caste minority. The majority float towards the perceived winners. Basically, the majority wants to sit outside the scope of the battle.

As minority players, our job is to rally and inspire our own side and neutralize the mob in the middle. Appeasers do not look like winners. Scaring the majority in the middle half-to-death won't win them to our side either. We won't win many to our side unless we look like a winner.

Tips to soothing a ranting question[]

Feel, Felt, Found. As an objection is voiced, say, "I understand how you feel. Friends of mine felt the same way at first. But I looked at some info and here's what we found.

Dealing with hostile questions[]

  • Remain calm.
  • Guess the questioner's desire.
  • Use first person singular when agreeing with their desire or goal.

For example: "How can we run the country without an income tax? Say, "I want to pay less taxes."

For example: "You libertarians will poison the air and water with your policies." Say, "I also want clean air and clean water."

Meeting reactions[]

Rants from others:[]

Talks by Mark Rauterkus[]

